
What’s Behind The Label: Quality, ESG, Value, Growth…? - Forbes

As we exited the month of May, the Securities and Exchange Commission or the SEC appointed a committee to look at the maze of environmental, social and governance, or ESG,  investing in asset management.  Among the many questions the committee is seeking to address include: What exactly is ESG, how to check whether ESG funds have met their social goals, how to improve comparability and consistency of ESG disclosures in the asset management industry and how should scoring and rating systems assess ESG quality?

These ESG focused questions and their pending answers made me wonder whether we have resolved these fundamental concerns for non-ESG mutual funds and ETFs.  Given the ever increasing importance of passive investment vehicles, labels assigned to indexes, ETFs and mutual funds have become more important than what is actually held by the fund. 

So how are these labels regulated today?  Not very well, except for buyer beware, I would argue. 

Consider the stock screens used by two “quality” funds: Flexshares Dividend Quality Fund (QDF) and S&P 500 Powershares Quality ETF, or SPHQ, by Invesco. Flexshares, in its 251- page prospectus, says that it relies on a dividend quality index based on a proprietary index provided by its parent, Northern Trust. In their 2015 quality dividend index, Northern Trust states that they rely on “a proprietary quality scoring model based on quantitative ranking of various metrics obtained from company filings. These scores have three components: “Management Rankings (e.g. corporate finance activities), Profitability Rankings (e.g. assess the reliability and the sustainability of financial performance), and Cash Factors (e.g. cash flow generation).” 

There is not much information on how these terms are defined or measured.  So this leads to a whole new host of questions such as what does “corporate finance activities” mean?  How is “profitability” measured? What kind of “cash flows” are we talking about? Free cash flows, operating cash flows, cash flows available to service debt holders?

S&P500’s Powershares Quality ETF by Invesco tells us a bit more about their methodology.  In particular, the ETF invests primarily in stocks that have “the highest quality score, based on three fundamental measures, return on equity, accruals ratio and financial leverage ratio.”  They are thankfully precise about how these about these terms are measured.  Meanwhile, Invesco states, “the accrual ratio is a way to identify firms with low non-cash or accrual-derived earnings relative to their cash flow. Return on equity is a measure of profitability, calculated as net income as a percentage of shareholders’ equity. Financial leverage refers to the use of debt to acquire additional assets.” 

Of course, we do not know exactly how these signals are combined.  But, we can at least critique these choices.  High ROE firms are likely to pick up firms that are highly levered.  Moreover, several high ROE firms, even in the S&P 500, do not generate ROE greater than the firm’s cost of equity capital.  Screening out high accruals firms only ends up throwing out high growth firms.  But are we convinced that low growth firms are necessarily high quality firms?

We should ask the same questions posed by the SEC ESG sub-committee for these funds.  What is a “quality” fund/ETF?  How do we know whether these “quality” funds actually invest in high quality firms if we do not even know the proprietary algorithm used to rank undefined proxies for quality (e.g., “corporate finance activities”)? How can we improve the comparability and consistency of disclosures related to how “quality” is defined in the asset management industry?  How should scoring and rating systems assess “quality”? 

Related to the last question, Morningstar rates both QDF and SPHQ as a five star fund and I presume Morningstar has its own definition of high quality.  Ultimately, any qualitative dimension, such as “ESG” or “reporting quality” or “dividend quality” or even “value” or “growth” or “safety” is hard to define and regulate. 

Perhaps the SEC should require funds and ETFs to clearly disclose how they assess quality or ESG while informed buyers who are unhappy with the fund’s definition of quality, can stay away.  Passive investors who buy labels rather than what is behind the label, will then have only themselves to blame.  Confusion about labels leaves investors no choice except to rely on realized returns on funds and ETFs and fee ratios.  At least, these are measures everyone understands!

June 10, 2020 at 09:23PM

What’s Behind The Label: Quality, ESG, Value, Growth…? - Forbes

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