
Category Is: Ugly holiday sweaters - UConn Daily Campus

December is filled to the brim with magic: There are so many exciting activities to partake in at this time of year! But, of the numerous iconic events December has to offer, we will be focusing on possibly the most important element that intersects with all events: ugly holiday sweaters. Photo courtesy of @thepaintedsquare on

Thanksgiving has packed up its to-go plate and stepped out the door to make way for the December’s holidays! December is filled to the brim with magic: There are so many exciting activities to partake in at this time of year! But, of the numerous iconic events December has to offer, we will be focusing on possibly the most important element that intersects with all events: ugly holiday sweaters. 

Ugly sweaters! These sweaters will keep your spirits high and in good supply. Before we get ahead of ourselves, allow me to run you through my foolproof guide to making the best holiday sweater ever! Read along; if you will, you won’t be disappointed. 

First things first, just like with every other amazing creation, we need to plan. Just as you would with a holiday plate, think about how you are going to execute making this sweater. With a holiday plate, you may ask yourself “what food is going where?” or  “is this a picture worthy plate?” The same planning method can be applied to an ugly sweater. Be sure to think about what size you’d like your sweater to be. In my humble opinion, size is very important to an ugly sweater. Also, think about the color of the sweater and theme you are going for: maybe an “Among Us” or “Spongebob Squarepants” holiday themed sweater, for example. The sweater is your canvas, friend.  

Now, we have established the blueprint, so it’s time to ground our feet in the snow. The next thing we will need for our sweater is supplies. Supplies will make or break your sweater! The materials you use can make the sweater pop, or just make it flop. To gather supplies, you can go to any art store (e.g. Michaels), you can buy recycled items from Goodwill, you can shop through Amazon or you could repurpose clothing and accessories sitting at home. You may be stumped as to what you can use, so to get you started, here are a few decoration ideas: garland, glitter, colorful cotton balls, mistletoe (if you’re feeling frisky), bells, ornaments or even a wreath. 

We are finally at the final stage of developing an ugly sweater: decoration. This world has been graced with many talented artists, and now this is your chance to be the next. Van Gogh is of no importance here. Leonardo da Vinci? Don’t even worry about him! When you finish decorating, I’m sure all eyes will be on you. 

Once you have put your masterpiece together, the only thing left to do is flaunt it! This is the perfect piece to wear to a holiday brunch, a movie night in, gingerbread house decorating or just any other day that needs a little razzle dazzle!  Whatever you plan to do, remember that the world is still recovering from the delivery of coal that is COVID-19, so please keep yourself and loved ones safe as 2020 comes to a close. Until the new year comes in, I hope you found my tips helpful and I hope you remember these last tidbits: Keep it unique, keep it fun and keep it very, very ugly. Enjoy your holiday, friend. Go make me proud! 

December 03, 2020 at 06:00PM

Category Is: Ugly holiday sweaters - UConn Daily Campus

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