
Four communities stay in 'green' low-risk category for COVID-19 - The Daily News of Newburyport

Newburyport Mayor Donna Holaday said Thursday the city remained in the "green" low-risk category for COVID-19 transmission but she urged residents to stick with the safety protocols of wearing masks, social distancing and following state guidelines for crowds and restaurant capacity limits.

Amesbury, Groveland and Rowley were also in the "green" category, according to state Department of Public Health data released Thursday.

In her weekly update on NCMHub Channel 9, Holaday noted the success last weekend of the nine-community collaborative vaccination clinic at Amesbury High School – in which 2,400 people got their first dose – and said the next two Saturdays are reserved for local educators and child care workers to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. 

In addition, all appointments for Sunday, March 21, have been booked, and information about available slots the following Sunday, March 28, will be available on the city's website,, or at the state's preregistration site, The 211 phone number is also available for anyone needing help with online booking or who doesn't have internet access.

Holaday said the opening of Newburyport schools is on track, with all students scheduled to be back in classrooms April 26. The ongoing pool testing for COVID-19 in the schools will continue, along with the required wearing of masks, social distancing guidelines and contract tracing, "which have proven successful" at controlling the spread.

The mayor noted that Gov. Charlie Baker loosened restrictions on restaurant capacities as of March 22, although food establishments must still adhere to social distancing practices with tables and a 90-minute time limit for meals remains in effect.

The city is gearing up to enable restaurants to apply for outdoor seating and alcoholic beverage permits as well. She said restaurant owners are eager to take advantage of these options "and the city fully supports this effort."

Holaday said City Hall will reopen April 5, but public meetings will continue to be held remotely. She urged residents to use online options or the telephone to conduct business with city departments when possible to avoid coming into City Hall.

As of Wednesday, Newburyport has had 933 confirmed and 169 probable positive COVID-19 cases, for a total of 1,102 since the pandemic began.  A total of 37 city residents have died from the virus.

Besides the four communities listed as "green" by DPH, the data released Thursday showed Newbury, Salisbury and West Newbury in the "gray" category; and only Georgetown and Merrimac listed as "yellow."

DPH also reported town-by-town statistics: Amesbury with 18 new positive COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks, for a total of 971 since the pandemic began; Georgetown, 18 new cases for a total of 499; Groveland, 15 new cases for a total of 429; Merrimac, 16 new positive cases for a total of 349; Newbury, six new cases for a total of 279; Newburyport, 18 new cases for a total of 929; Rowley, 12 cases for a total of 356; Salisbury, less than five new cases for a total of 576; and West Newbury with seven new positive COVID-19 cases for a total of 171.

State data for long-term care facilities and assisted living centers showed Country Center for Health & Rehabilitation in Newburyport as the only facility reporting a death since the previous week.

DPH data showed 1-4 deaths at Country Center, which is the range reported by the state. None of the facilities or assisted living centers reported an increase in positive COVID-19 cases outside the ranges reported on March 11. 

To read the weekly DPH report:

March 19, 2021 at 04:01PM

Four communities stay in 'green' low-risk category for COVID-19 - The Daily News of Newburyport

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