
Homeland chief rejects GOP border label, says ‘crisis’ better describes Trump’s use of family separation to - The Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON – Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, ending the Biden administration’s semantic dance over the “crisis” label Republicans have applied to a recent border surge, shot back Wednesday that he would reserve that label for the cruel Trump-era policy of family separations.

“A crisis is when a nation is willing to rip a 9-year-old child out of the hands of his or her parent and separate that family to deter future migration,” Mayorkas told lawmakers during a testy House hearing. “That, to me, is a humanitarian crisis.”

The White House has resisted the term “crisis” even as Republicans invoke it at every opportunity, insisting that in less than two months, President Joe Biden has managed to unleash a torrent of unlawful migration by freezing border wall construction and lifting a litany of harsh Trump-era restrictions. As many as 13,000 unaccompanied minors are currently in U.S. custody.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy led a group of GOP lawmakers, including several Texans, on a visit to El Paso on Monday to elevate the line of attack. “This is the Biden crisis,” Sen. Ted Cruz said on the Mark Levin Show.

In Dallas on Wednesday, the day FEMA opened a shelter for migrant teens at the downtown convention center, Gov. Greg Abbott asserted that Biden has “opened the floodgates” and accused him of “enticing” child migrants into the country.

Tussles over labels have been central to decades of immigration debate.

On Thursday, the House will vote on a path to citizenship for “dreamers,” a sympathetic term for the most sympathetic subset of people in the country illegally, those who arrived children.

The epithet “amnesty” has been used by hardliners for years to shoot down proposals to allow eventual citizenship for anyone who entered the country illegally, no matter how long ago, or how successful and law-abiding they are now. Abbott, Donald Trump and many other Republicans have insisted that any repudiation of Trump’s policies amounts to an “open border” policy, an assertion Mayorkas also rejected at Wednesday’s House Homeland Security Committee hearing.

“The border is secure, and the border is not open,” he insisted.

The “crisis” label was one of many points of contention, and Mayorkas initially resisted a direct rebuttal.

“Given the tremendous rise and surge of individuals coming to the border, would it be fair to call it a crisis? Because that’s what your agents are calling it,” asked the panel’s senior Republican, Rep. John Katko of New York, a former federal prosecutor in El Paso.

“I’m not spending any time on the language that we use. I am spending time on operational response,” Mayorkas responded.

Austin Rep. Michael McCaul, who chaired the homeland security panel when Republicans controlled the House, returned to the topic.

“You mentioned that maybe the language doesn’t matter. I think words do matter. I think you send exactly the wrong message when you stated quote, `We’re not saying don’t come. We’re just saying don’t come now.’ That is not a message of deterrence,” McCaul said.

Migrants scramble up the bank of the Rio Grande after crossing from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, into El Paso on March 16, 2021.
Migrants scramble up the bank of the Rio Grande after crossing from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, into El Paso on March 16, 2021. (John Moore)

He noted that Biden rescinded a Trump-era deal to keep asylum-seekers in Mexico while waiting for their hearings, and that on Tuesday, Mayorkas conceded that the current rate of illegal border-crossing is on pace to hit a 20-year high.

“That is staggering.... You may call that only a challenge. But I call that a crisis,” McCaul said. “The border was under control.... With all due respect, this administration has created this crisis.... Cartels and traffickers see that the green light is on at our southern border, and the United States is open for business.”

That was enough to provoke the direct linguistic response.

“Sometimes the tools of deterrence defy values and principles for which we all stand. And one of those tools of deterrence that the Trump administration employed was deplorable, and absolutely unacceptable,” Mayorkas said. “If we want to speak of language, let speak of language.”

Whatever the label, there is no dispute that the migrant surge presents a challenge for the United States – and a political opportunity for Republicans and liability for Biden.

The Border Patrol apprehended nearly 100,000 migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in February, the highest monthly tally since May 2019, during the Trump era, when the tally hit nearly 133,000. The number plunged to just 16,182 last April, in the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 13,000 unaccompanied children are currently in federal custody, a huge spike from about 3,200 a week earlier. With resources strained, at least 3,000 have been held in short-term processing facilities for over 72 hours, the legal limit before they’re supposed to be transferred to more suitable accommodations run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Children as young as 6 have arrived at the border without an adult, Mayorkas said this week.

On Saturday, he announced that FEMA would set up emergency shelters and processing facilities to handle the surge. The downtown Dallas convention center opened on Wednesday as a center for up to 3,000 migrant boys ages 15 to 17.

Gov. Greg Abbott takes off his face mask to start a press conference in Dallas, March 17, 2021, to address the arrival of a few hundred immigrant teen boys from the border to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. The convention center will serve as an emergency intake site to hold teens who have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border starting Wednesday to decrease overcrowding at Customs and Border Protection facilities.

As Dallas awaits arrival of migrant teens, Gov. Abbott accuses President Biden of ‘opening floodgates’ to migrants

Gov. Greg Abbott traveled to Dallas on Wednesday to assert that President Joe Biden is “enticing” immigrant children to the U.S. and he said he would investigate whether or not the immigrants are subject to human trafficking. .\Against the backdrop of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, where as many as 200 immigrant teenagers were to arrive Wednesday as a temporary shelter opened, Abbott said that the border is in crisis as he again lashed out at the Biden administration, blaming a sharp increase in the number of migrants crossing the border on his policies.

At the House hearing, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, lauded the Biden administration’s approach to the border surge. “It is not a policy of putting children in cages, which we had to suffer for year after year under the Trump administration. There are no children in cages,” she said.

Republicans returned again and again to the term “crisis,” pressing Mayorkas on whether he views the current situation at the border as such.

“We have a very serious challenge and I don’t think the difficulty of that challenged can be overstated. We also have a plan to address it,” he said.

Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., called Mayorkas’ presentation “nauseating.”

He blamed the 2019 surge, when Donald Trump was president, on Democratic gains in the 2018 election, signaling a potential easing of policies to cartels and would-be asylum seekers. With Biden in power, he said, all semblance of deterrence is gone.

“The cartels have 2 million in the pipeline. ...For God’s sakes, we’re going to blame President Trump?” he said. “We’ve got 2 million illegal immigrants headed our way and I don’t believe you have a plan to deal with it.”

“If there’s not a crisis or humanitarian disaster at the southern border,” he said, FEMA shouldn’t be involved, and its resources should be redeployed for hurricane relief in his own southwest Louisiana district.

Mayorkas, in rejecting the allegation that that Biden has adopted an “open border” policy, noted that migrants are still being expelled into Mexico under the same public health authority invoked by Trump. “We are not expelling children who arrive unaccompanied without a parent or legal guardian. And we are caring for their custody,” he added.

At the White House last week, press secretary Jen Psaki turned aside questions about whether the president views the border situation as a crisis, while pointedly keeping the term at arm’s length.

“It doesn’t matter what you call it. It is an enormous challenge. It is something that is front and center for the president,” she said.

Immigrant advocates insist that the only “crisis” is the legacy of Trump-era policies.

“The Trump administration wielded our public health crisis as a weapon, using the Title 42 order to close our borders to children and families in extreme need, and forcing them to endure perilous conditions on the other side of the border,” said Jonathan Blazer, director of border strategies at the ACLU. “The Biden-Harris administration was right to end the Trump administration’s policy of expelling unaccompanied children, and is taking promising steps towards limiting CBP’s role in detention, for which both agency officials and facilities are unsuited.”

ACLU and others are pressuring the administration to reunite children with U.S. sponsors -- usually close relatives -- more quickly. The delays violate federal court orders and the Biden administration readily concedes the system is overwhelmed, promising to do better and insisting that unlike the Trump administration, they are not exploiting the separations to signal that migrants aren’t welcome.

March 18, 2021 at 04:11AM

Homeland chief rejects GOP border label, says ‘crisis’ better describes Trump’s use of family separation to - The Dallas Morning News

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