
Synopsys’ Seeker IAST wins Best Cloud and Web Application Security category at CybersecAsia Awards - Security Boulevard

Seeker was recognized for its leadership and innovation in cloud and web-based application security. Learn how to improve your security posture with IAST.

Seeker IAST wins best cloud and web app security CybersecAsia Awards | Synopsys

Synopsys is proud to announce that Seeker® IAST won the CybersecAsia 2020 award for Best Cloud and Web Application Security. This award underscores Seeker’s position as an industry leader in functionality and capability, offering best-in-class detection, tracking, and monitoring of sensitive data leakages for today’s modern and complex web, mobile, and cloud-based applications.

CybersecAsia is a leading editor’s/CISO’s choice awards program that recognizes Asia’s cyber security trailblazers for driving notable advancements and innovations in the industry. CybersecAsia, backed by Asia’s most trusted source of cyber security information,, rewards organizations that deliver solutions capable of scaling to the large and complex security risks created by the increasing accessibility of applications and data.

What is Seeker?

Seeker is an interactive application security testing (IAST) solution that provides application and code insights into your web security posture, accurately and effectively detecting vulnerabilities and identifying compliance standard violations. Seeker seamlessly integrates into your CI/CD workflows, enabling you to perform automated and continuous security testing of web-based, cloud-based, and microservices applications. It delivers real-time continuous feedback, including line-of code insights that enable you to make timely remediation steps throughout your software development life cycle (SDLC).

Different from other IAST solutions, Seeker does more than simply identify security vulnerabilities. It automatically verifies and validates if the identified vulnerabilities can actually be exploited, providing developers with a prioritized list of vulnerabilities to address, as defined and dictated by the nature of their app and the risks most critical to them. This helps reduce the noise of false positives and lower-risk findings while also identifying more pressing vulnerabilities so that those can be attended to first, resulting in a more lean and agile continuous development, testing, and delivery process.

How does Seeker support cloud-based and web-based application security?

The CybersecAsia award recognized Seeker’s leadership and innovation in cloud and web-based application security. Let’s take a look at how Seeker helps development teams reinforce their security posture in cloud-based and web-based applications.

Seeker uses patented instrumentation techniques and runtime analysis that enable security teams to continuously monitor, identify, and verify security vulnerabilities in cloud, microservices, and web-based applications. Seeker supports applications hosted on Azure PaaS, AWS, and Google Cloud platforms.

Seeker agents can be easily instrumented to multiple target application endpoints or nodes, and they will track every interaction between the application services under test autonomously in the background while the teams carry out their normal development and testing work. Seeker fits seamlessly into your CI/CD workflows—native integrations and web APIs provide work with the tools you use for on-prem, cloud-based, microservices-based, or container-based development.

Seeker agents can be easily instrumented to multiple target application endpoints or nodes, and they will track every interaction between the application services under test autonomously in the background while the teams carry out their normal development and testing work. | Synopsys

Since Seeker can be used early in the development life cycle, and in tandem with manual, functional, or automated testing, vulnerabilities can be found and fixed in web applications prior to deployment. This sets Seeker apart: Seeker is the only IAST solution that can effectively detect, track, and monitor sensitive data leakages that are common in today’s modern and complex web, mobile, and cloud-based apps.

For organizations undergoing digital transformations and shifting toward a DevOps framework, Seeker is a key enabler. According to a 2019 Gartner report, 12 Things to Get Right for Successful DevSecOps, IAST is considered a key contributor to success.

Already using Seeker?

If you’re already a Seeker user, you know just how critical it is to your security posture. We are pleased to announce that Seeker 2020.10 was released October 5, 2020, and is now available. This release includes new and exciting features including a data flow map, enhanced diagnostic and audit capabilities, support for new Java 15–based applications, and several new and custom checkers. For details, visit the Synopsys community.

New to Seeker or interested in learning more?

Want to learn more about Synopsys’ powerful IAST tool? Visit our solution page to learn more, or dive into this Seeker webinar to start learning how Seeker can help with your security needs today.

Register for the webinar

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Software Integrity Blog authored by Kimm Yeo. Read the original post at:

October 17, 2020 at 02:00AM

Synopsys’ Seeker IAST wins Best Cloud and Web Application Security category at CybersecAsia Awards - Security Boulevard

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